Baan Unrak Thai Animal Sanctuary – Great Organization and Needs Volunteers
By: Daisy Hubbuck
Organization: Baan Unrak Thai Animal Sanctuary
Location: Thailand
Cost to Volunteer: Free
Accommodations: 150 baht per night
The Baan Unrak Thai Animal Sanctuary is a beautiful little place with 32 resident dogs that they feed, walk and love every day (whilst also trying to find them forever homes). They also have a FREE clinic that’s entirely donation based where people from all over bring their pets to get treated and healed.
Photo By: Daisy Hubbuck
They have resident volunteer vets, vet nurses and just general volunteers that help with walks, but next week THEY HAVE NO ONE 😭
If anyone is near Sangklaburi (easily accessed from Bangkok or Kanchanaburi) then please please consider going and volunteering for a couple of days to help out these wonderful doggies 🐶 I was just there a couple of months ago and honestly fell in love with the whole place and I’m sure you will too! 😍
It’s totally free of course and there’s a volunteer house you can stay at for 150 baht per night or you can find your own accommodation if that’s better for you 🙂
Photo By: Daisy Hubbuck
I think Baan Unrak is ethical because everything they do is for the dogs (and a few cats) that are residents there and all the animals that come through the clinic. The woman who manages it loves every single dog there and even forfeits having a salary so that the dogs are well looked after and have the best life they can. She doesn’t stop there though and is always striving to do more for the community with pop-up spay camps and the donation based vet clinic. They are entirely donation based and I’ve seen first hand how the money is spent, and it’s ALL on the dogs.
Photo By: Daisy Hubbuck
I was a general volunteer so I would help muck out the pens in the morning, give all the dogs fresh water and then we would take them on a walk. Depending on how many volunteers there are we might have to do up to three walks in the morning to make sure they’ll all walked. Then we prepare their food and then do any general DIY jobs that need doing around the sanctuary and of course, spend some time giving the dogs some love and play time.
Photo By: Daisy Hubbuck
If we have enough volunteers and vets then we can also go and do pop-up spay camps. I did one in the jungle when I was there and helped the vets with the anaesthetic and after care. We managed to spay 23 animals in just one day for people who would otherwise have NO way to get their dogs fixed. It was amazing.
For more information, visit https://www.thaianimalsanctuary.com/