Rue Mapp is encouraging African Americans to reconnect with nature through her nonprofit Outdoor Afro and has already inspired thousands to enjoy the great outdoors like Oprah Winfrey.
By Heather Newgen
Rue Mapp has always loved the outdoors. She regularly hiked, fished ...
A salute to Black Hollywood trailblazers who put their unforgettable mark on the entertainment industry and forever altered the way society looked at race.
By Scott Huver
Actor and filmmaker Sidney Poitier recognized the power of representation well before the height of his career in the 1960s as the most acclaimed and popular Black screen leading man in Hollywood. “I knew...
LA-based surf and lifestyle brand VAST is stepping up during COVID-19 to help the community and the environment by making high quality cloth masks and partnering with local hospitals (including MLK Hospital) in Los Angeles.
By Voluntourist Staff
When the pandemic began, VAST founder Sam Yang knew he wanted to make a difference while also manufactu...
Being Black in America is tough, but if there's one thing this year has shown us it's powerful Black activists pushing boundaries and shaping the future. Meet the change-makers.
By Meagan Sargent @identify_la
With the modern-day lynching of George Floyd, the senseless killing of Breonna Taylor, the tragic killing of Ahmaud Arbery and (sadly many many more) the incre...
I hate being called African American. Why? Is it the African? Or the American? Or maybe the whole statement? It's both and all of it that does not say who I am or who I feel to be.
By Dale Seabrook
How am I African? Yes, my ancestors can be traced back to Africa but according to the
Sexual assault survivor Olivia DeRamus launches Restless Network --a new app to help other women.
By Heather Newgen
At the age of 19, Olivia DeRamus was sexually assaulted on her college campus. After filing a complaint with the American university, her attacker sued her for defamation, claiming millions of dollars in damages. Although an adjudicator ruled her in favor, the man took the case...
In honor of Pride Month, a young Oklahoma girl is making rainbow scrunchies and masks and will donate proceeds to The Trevor Project.
By Heather Newgen
COVID-19 may have killed the fun festivities for Pride Month, but it hasn't killed the spirit. This year you won't see extravagant floats or fabulous parades in the streets, but 12-year-old Charli Williams is still excited about the annual ev...
The show must go on! The 31st National Memorial Day Concert will take place this year, but will look very different. Mary McCormack, who has appeared on the show four times now, explains what some of the notable changes are.
By: Heather Newgen
For the last three decades, PBS has beautifully honored American military heroes on their award-winning
Romulo Camargo proves a paralyzing bullet can't stop him from living life and giving back to others.
By: Heather Newgen
Romulo "Romy" Camargo always knew he'd serve his country and at 19 he joined the military where he spent most of his time in the Special Operations community with the 75th Ranger Regiment and 7th Special Forces Group. On his third deployment in Afghanistan, the Chief Warra...