Esteriliza Y Educa
We are a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based out of Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. Esteriliza y Educa A.C. focuses on improving the quality of life of both dogs and cats in the city and neighbouring towns. The overpopulation of canines and felines causes diseases to run rampant and to be transferred not only among animals, but also to the people. It is become an enormous social and economic issue and the only true solutions are spaying and neutering as well as educating locals on proper animal care.
Puerto Escondido is a paradise known internationally for it's nature and beauty. However, it is also a town with many shortcomings. With close to 50,000 in human population, it also is the home to approximately 18,000 dogs and 14,000 cats. Nearly all of these animals roam the streets, homeless, reproducing freely and scrounging for food wherever available. These animals are neglected and become sick, malnourished, abused are often found injured or accidently hit by cars. As a result of the poverty of the area, properly taking care of animals is not often the first priority and gets thrown on the backburner. That's where we come in! We show people how easy it is, and how rewarding it can be to take proper care of animals. We sterilize them as to prevent further overpopulation and spread of illness and disease. The outcome is amazing and there's been so many lives improved and saved by our work.