Calling all travel lovers. Check out this incredible JetBlue contest. You could fly free for an entire year thanks to the airline. But here’s the catch–you must delete all of your Instagram posts ASAP!
There’s something so freeing about traveling, well aside from the cost. But three lucky people and their companion have the chance to jetset and won’t have to worry paying for flights for an entire year. JetBlue is flying the winners around the globe unlimited for FREE to any of the over 100 JetBlue destination. It’s all part of promoting the return of JetBlue’s “All You Can Jet” pass.
“With a blank social slate, participants are able to make room for all the destinations and activities they could capture and share using the pass,” JetBlue shared in a statement. This way, JetBlue added, the winners can showcase “who or what they love most by filling in the blank: All You Can ____.”
JetBlue Flight Heading to Cuba
Photo courtesy of JetBlue
Here’s how to enter the JetBlue content.
— Turn your Instagram feed into a blank slate by deleting or archiving all of your photos, and keep it clear through March 8, when the contest ends.
–Upload and customize your image with the tool below, then download and post to Instagram with @JETBLUE and #ALLYOUCANJETSWEEPSTAKES before 9:00am EST on 3/8/2019.(Make it good. You can only enter once.)–Hit this special JetBlue link and upload said image, create a custom image frame, and download it.
–Post that image frame to your Instagram account, being sure to include @JetBlue and #AllYouCanJetSweepstakes in your caption. Don’t add any images until after the contest ends on March 8th.
JetBlue went as far as to delete their Instagram posts.
“With the #AllYouCanJetSweepstakes, we’re encouraging travelers to fly with a blank slate to help them imagine of all the places they could jet to with the All You Can Jet pass,” said Heather Berko, Manager, Advertising & Content at JetBlue, told Travel + Leisure. “We hope this will serve as inspiration to refill their slate with the activities, places and people they will visit — wherever that may be.”
The best part is, while the JetBlue contest winners are expected to showcase their adventures, there are no set requirements as to the content or how often they should post.
You can read the official rules here.