Our mission is to educate, inspire and empower people to change the world through simple acts of kindness. From the most experienced voluntourists to those looking for ways to start making a difference, our resources and knowledge will provide the necessary tools to create the most meaningful and ethical impact.An average 65 million Americans volunteer each year. That said, if we all did one small thing to help someone in need, we could change the world!The Voluntourist promotes responsible and sustainable voluntourism, provides the knowledge, motivation and inspiration to anyone who wants to make a difference close to home or while falling in love with another corner of the world.We do this through sharing our experiences, educating others on the positive aspects of giving back, as well as the unethical pitfalls of the voluntourism industry, providing helpful resources and organizing guided volunteering trips.The Voluntourist seeks is to be the leading source of free information for people who want to volunteer and travel to help them determine which programs are safe, professional, affordable and right for them.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
You want to help. You want to be hands-on. And you want to experience the firsthand splendors of the intriguing regions around the world needing your assistance. But you just don’t know how. The Voluntourist, a travel and volunteer website that explores how to combine a commitment to compassion with a taste for tourism, will provide the information, motivation to anyone who wants to make a difference while falling in love with another corner of the world.
Most organizations don’t allow you to see where a volunteer will be working, what your accommodations will be like, or who the program manager/host family is. This is essential information every volunteer should know. The Voluntourist will show people these details with revealing and forthcoming videos, interviews and photos.
And what volunteer doesn’t want to immerse themselves in a new culture or environment? We’ll also give recommendations on where to eat, shop, travel, sightsee and safety tips so you will get the most out of your volunteering experience.