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After 200 years of British control, India broke free and established its independence on August 15, 1947 thanks to the help of leading figure Mohandas Gandhi, who was famously known for his passive activism practices and non-violent protests. Many believed India wouldn’t survive apart from Britain’s rule because of the country’s religious, ethnic and linguistic diversities and predicted it would soon become fragmented into mini nations (this clearly didn’t happen). Instead, India has transformed drastically, but still remains a developing country. Despite a fast-growing economy with a largely skilled workforce, India is struggling with severe widespread poverty, especially in the rural areas, that is greatly affecting millions of people. International assistance is desperately needed. Volunteers are essential in helping this country’s impoverished and underprivileged population gain the valuable knowledge and education needed to achieve a sustainable life. There are countless opportunities in India that allow others to serve the community and several programs which offer culturally immersive projects to volunteers. Not only do these projects create a meaningful contribution to India, but they also inspire a personal growth within individuals who participate. If you’ve volunteered in India, we’d love to hear about your experience. Please let us know which organization you signed up with, what your trip was like, and if you’d recommend the program to others.No Video Found